Trip to the Butterly Farm Aruba

Beyond gorgeous, the Butterfly Farm in Aruba is a stunning place to enjoy the extensive foliage and free roaming butterflies.

On a personal note, my now husband and I went to the Butterfly Farm in St. Maarten years ago in 2016 when we started dating. Both farms are owned by a close friend of mine. The St. Maarten Farm is no more thanks to the wrath of Hurricane Irma. So it was wonderful to see the Aruba farm, especially since it’s very similar to the former St. Maarten farm.

Sint Maarten Butterfly Farm 2016

Butterfly Farm Aruba 2022

6 years later and we brought our two little girls with us. It’s not exactly the same, but the experience was just the same. The girls (1.5 and 3 years old) were too young to follow the tour. And that was fine since Michael and I have heard the spiel before. We let the girls walk around and admire the butterflies. Olivia, our 3 year old, was more timid around the butterflies whereas Parker was amazed by them.

little girls watching butterflies eat
observing the butterflyies eating sugar from the fruits
butterfly farm aruba
similar garden arch to the Sint Maarten Farm

Know before you go!

Some things you should know before going.

With your ticket, you can come back for free the rest of the week. For older kids who enjoy playing with the butterflies, they can come back at no cost!

It can be warm inside, bring a fan or a bottle of water.

They have tours that teach all about the butterfly lifecycle.

The beach is on the other side of the road, you can easily combine your visit with a subsequent trip to the beach. It’s also a short walk from Palm Beach, you can easily walk down from the hotels as well.


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